Wartek Inc.
Providing Personal, Group, Short & Long Distance Transportation Services In Your Area
Wartek Inc. is a Freight Carrier in Los Angeles, CA. We provide reliable transportation carrier you can trust to safely deliver your shipment on time, defect free and without any hassle. Our team of agents are reliable and understand the importance of on-time deliveries.
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Cargo Carried
- PGeneral Freight
- PHousehold Goods
- PMetal: sheets, coils, rolls
- PFresh Produce
- PMotor Vehicles
- PLogs, Poles, Beam, Lumber
- PDrive/Tow Away
- PBuilding Materials
- P Mobile Homes
- PMachinery, Large Objects
- PUS Mail
- PLiquids/Gases
- PIntermodal Cont.
- P Passengers
- PMotor Vehicles
- POilfield Equipment
- PLivestock
- PGrain, Feed, Hay
- P Coal
- P Meat
- P Garbage/Refuse
- P Chemicals
- PCommodities Dry Bulk
- PIntermodal Cont.
- PRefrigerated Food
- PBeverages
- PPaper Products
- PUtilities
- PAgricultural/Farm Supplies
- PConstruction
- PWater Well